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 by Annette M. Boeckler

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A. M. Boeckler, Passing Over into Deserted Lands: Pesach as Mourning. Kol HaKehillah Pesach 5770/2010 [theme: Sue Gordon memorial], p. 8-9.
(How can Pessach be meaningful after a recent loss of somebody.)

A.M. Boeckler, Purim as Pesach. Kol HaKehillah Pesach 5771 [theme: words], p. 6.
(The similarities and differences between Purim and Pessach.)

A. M. Boeckler, Words We Don't say on Pessach. Kol HaKehillah Pesach 7771 [theme: words], p. 16
(About the 5th question, the 5th son and the 5th cup.)

A. M. Boeckler, A Day Like Purim, Kol HaKehillah Rosh Hashana 5772 [theme: the Earth is the Lord's], p. 5.
(The similarities and differences between Purim and Yom Kippur.)

A. M. Boeckler, Between Times of Distress and Places of Sorrow: A Song. Kol HaKehillah Pesach 5772 [theme: Time and Place], p. 6-7.
(About: Why is Shir haShirim is read on Pessach?)

A.M. Boeckler, The Magic of the Moment: Kol Nidre in Progressive Judaism, in: Lawrence A. Hoffman, All these vows : Kol Nidre, Woodstock, Vt: Jewish Lights, 2011. online 

A.M. Boeckler, Six Understandings of Confession for our time, in: Lawrence A. Hoffman, We have sinned. Sin and Confession in Judaism, Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights, 2012,  p. 46-59. (About the Vidui on Yom Kippur) online

A.M. Boeckler, Korach. News from the Past. Leo Baeck College Dvar Torah June 21st, 2012.

A.M. Boeckler, Qohelet: Some Fleeting Thoughts, Kol HaKehilla Rosh HaShana 5773 (2012), 4-5
(about: why do we read Qohelet on Sukkot?)

A.M. Boeckler, Reflections 24th Kislev 5773, 8th December 2012: Vayeshev - Chanukkah 1st Candle.
(about the melody of Maoz Zur)

A.M. Boeckler, Ruth's Turning Points. Kol HaKehillah Pessach 5773 [theme: turning points], p. 4-5.
(about: why do we read the book of Ruth on Shavuot.)

A. M. Boeckler, "Rock of Ages" in Changing Times: A History of Jewish Identity in Chanukkah Songs, in: H. Cooper; C. Eimer, E. Tivkah Sarah: Welcome to the Cavalcade. A Festschrift in honour of Rabbi Professor Jonathan Magonet. London: Kulmus, 2013, p. 177-201.
(about various German singable renditions of the famous Chanukkah hymn "Maoz Tzur".)


A. Böckler, Ist Gott schuldig, wenn ein Gerechter stolpert? Zur jüdischen und christlichen Exegese von Ez. III 20 Vetus Testamentum 48 (1998), S. 437-452.
(Interpretation of Ez 3:20.)
A. Böckler, Keine väterliche Züchtigung! Zur Exegese von Prov 3,12b, Biblische Notizen 96 (1999), S. 12-18.
(Interpretation of Prov 3:12.)

A. Böckler, Jizchaks Überleben. Bibelarbeit zu Genesis 22
in: J. Barthel; H. Eschmann; Chr. Voigt, Das Leiden und die Gottesliebe. Beiträge zur Frage der Theodizee (Reutlinger Theologische Studien 1), Göttingen 2006, S. 18-34. 
(Interpretation of the Akedah story, Gen 22.)

A. Böckler, Mal barmherzig, mal autoritär. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte einer Gottesvorstellung
Zeitzeichen 1 (2001), S. 22-24.
(The history and meaning of the metaphor of God as father.)

A. Böckler, Ich schreie zu dir über Gewalt. Predigt über Habakuk 1,1-4,
in: Habakuk. Trotz Gott an Gott glauben. Predigten.
Hg. von A. Haarbeck und J.A. Dittert, Wuppertal 2000, S. 17-22.
(Sermon about how to deal with experienced violence.)

A. Böckler, Das Zeichen in den Wolken. Die bunte Geschichte eines farbigen Symbols
Christsein Heute 105 (Nr. 1, 4.1.1998), S. 8f.
(The history and meaning of the symbol of the rainbow.)

A. Böckler, Was heißt "liberal"?
Keschet 8 (2003), 3.
(The meaning of the word "liberal" when used to describe "liberal Judaism".)
A. Böckler, Jüdische Frauen beten. Abriss einer Erfolgsstory,
Schlangenbrut 23 (2005), 14-18 u. 33.
 (Overview of the history of women and Jewish prayer.)

A. Böckler, Eine Nacht, anders als alle Nächte. Gedanken zu Sederfeiern in Kirchen, Freiburger Rundbrief Heft. 2 (2005), 94-107.
 (Some thoughts regarding Seder events in churches.)

A. Böckler, 5. Mose 7,6-12: Noblesse oblige, Junge Kirche 66 (2005), 58-61. (Predigtmeditation)
(Interpretation of Deut 7:6-12 / homiletic meditation.)

A. M. Boeckler,  Die "Seele" im Judentum, Bibel heute 189 (1/2012), S. 22-24.
(The "soul" in Jewish thought and liturgy.)

A.M. Böckler, "Entferne Satan vor uns und hinter uns". Vorstelungen vom Bösen im Judentum, Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 64 (2/2012), S. 48-49.
(The meaning of "satan" in Jewish prayers.)

A.M. Böckler, Dialog als Prinzip jüdischer Schriftauslegung, Bibel Heute Nr. 192,  (4.2012), 22-24.

A.M. Boeckler, Jüdische Kommentare zum Neuen Testament. Hintergrund und hermeneutischer Vergleich. Freiburger Rundbrief  2/2013, S. 90-106.


Articles for Congregation Ohel Jacob, click here.

--- Nosso Pai, Nosso Rei. Uma viagem no tempo. Devarim 30 (1016), p. 51-55

--- Talvez Chanuká não seja o que você pensa, Devarim 25 (2014), p. 15-20


Eine vollständige Übersicht über alle von mir publizierten Artikel finden Sie hier.

For a complete list of published articles see here.